Greased Lightning

1978 July

Created by Guillermo Gonzalez 13 years ago
Tom and I spent a lot of time together as children. We went to the same elementary school and even had the same 6th grade teacher. During the summer of '78, when Grease was all the rage, we decided to practice the Greased Lightning routine in my mother's living room. Tom, Oscar (Tom's brother), and I practiced for endless hours until we perfected the routine. Although why we were so dedicated to perfecting this routine has has long since been lost to time; perhaps it was sheer boredom that drove us since we never performed it publicly. But we built up quite a sweat getting the timing down. There we were atop my mother's living room coffee table that doubled as the beat up car. An appropriate substitution since that table was pretty beat up too. A hairbrush doubled as the chain to lower the imaginary motor and my sister's LP's were our tires. It was a real "pussy wagon." During one of our practice sessions we seemed to be falling behind a bit in the routine and as we were rushing to remove the "tires/LPs" I kicked one in a last-second dash to catch up. Those old vinyl LP's weren't as sturdy as compact discs and so it shattered when I kicked it. The record just happened to be my sister's current favorite album: Donna Summers' Bad Girls. Needless to say our practice session came to a complete halt. After nervously laughing about it for several minutes we decided to pick up the pieces of the broken record and carefully put them back into the album sleeve. We then stuck the album at the bottom of my sister's burgeoning album collection and decided if she asked about it we'd suggest that it may have broken due to the sheer weight of all the other LP's being on top of it. I don't even remember if she ever asked about it. I guess I can admit it now since in the intermitting thirty-plus years the statute of limitations on broken records has probably expired. That was the end of my days "spinning" records, but Tom continued in his love affair with records, in a more appropriate fashion I think, and from time-to-time would ask what ever happened to all of my sister's old LP's. And we never did practice Greased Lightning again. I guess we were all a bit chastened after having broken the Bad Girls LP.